About Us

When we started building the Hydronaut station in 2007, we had no idea how big this project is going to become. Matyáš's unique concept has been drawing attention of both scuba divers and similar adventurous people. The unique conditions and possibilities also rose interest in scientists and scientific institutions across many fields – from biology to construction. This fact to a certain point also determined the development of the Hydronaut project.

From a submersed dwelling, Hydronaut progressively evolved into a lab with logistic and scientific background, connected by data transfer with remote scientific workplaces. Dreamers and enthusiasts became part of the expert team that can execute training and research programs from simple systems tests to complex analog missions.

Currently, we execute number of research projects, usually combined into one analog mission every year.

If you are interested in cooperating with us, or just in meeting us, do not hesitate to contact any member of our core team. The logic behind the creation of all our email addresses is as follows: name.surname@hydronaut.eu

Jiří Schneider

Chief Technology Officer

Specializes in project management. He is the author of the Common Tongue software project. He develops the board computer and mission control system.

Dr. Miroslav Rozložník

Chief Scientific Officer

Has been engaged in applied research for more than twenty years. Expert on hyperbaric, diving medicine and analog space missions. SCUBA diving instructor and aquanaut.

Stanislav Smolaga

Managing Director

Builder, head of construction and production team. He provides support for development and production.

František Veselý

Chief Information Officer

Zajišťuje kompletní IT architekturu. Vybavení stanice, napojení stanice na svět okolo a propojení palubního systému s atmosférickými a biometrickými čidly. Kamerový a audio systém plus ukládání dat včetně zabezpečení je jeho práce.

Matyáš Šanda

Constructor and Founder

Professional diver, designer and architect. He is the originator of the Hydronaut H03 DeepLab station, its support fleet and other concepts. He is an official supplier to ESA. He has been interested in underwater and space missions since his childhood.

Jan Muchyn Vondra

Electrical Architecture

Návrhy, realizace a zabezpečení všech kabelů a vedení pod napětím od 12V do 400V.

Aleš Fiala

Mission Commander

Operates in applied methodical thinking and strategic planning of international projects. He is in charge of long-term visions, integration of research and training programs and mission planning.

František Harant

Experienced working diver and long-term head of the instructor team. He is an expert on deep-dive work and saturation diving.

Rudolf Liška

An experienced head of the working divers team. He leads long-term projects and emergency interventions in water structures.

Janka Havlíčková

Diver teams coordinator.

MUDr. Pavel Kubů

Member of the medical team, coordinator of biomedical research and Hydronaut projet development.

Petr Toman

Renowned photographer, reporter and our social media contact.

Miloš Čihák

Media and PR contact.